Conference program & archive of presentations


The conference program can be downloaded in .pdf format.


» Keynote lectures (abstracts can be accessed by clicking on the respective title)

Beatrix Busse (Bern): "Perspectives on Cognitive Poetics"

Susanne Niemeier (Koblenz): "What's in a heart: Culture specific concepts of emotionality and rationality" [PPT-slides .pdf]

Gerard Steen (Amsterdam): "Style and cognitive science: The perspective from genre"

Anatol Stefanowitsch (Bremen): "Cognitive Linguistics as a Cognitive Science" [lecture script as .pdf]

Peter Stockwell (Nottingham): "The cognitive aesthetics of reading literature"


» Panel papers (abstracts can be accessed by clicking on the respective title)

Dr. des. Marcus Callies (Universität Freiburg) - Within-culture variation in English sports metaphors: A window to history, culture, and national identity? [PPT-slides as .pdf] / [handout as .pdf]}

Stephan Freißmann (Universität Gießen) - How much body does the mind need? Literary responses to a question in cognitive science [handout as .pdf]

Dr. Juliana Goschler (Universität Bremen) - Metaphorical patterns and cultural practice: Converging and diverging evidence about the conceptualization of personality

Prof. Dr. Wolfram R. Keller (Humboldt Universität Berlin), Astrid Lohöfer (Universität Marburg) & Dr. Christine Ott (Universität Marburg) - How novels feel: Emotional and rational reading processes in contemporary fiction [PPT-slides as .pdf]

Alexandra Kleeman (University of California, Berkeley) - Familiarity breeds beauty: Collective aesthetics and the Mere exposure effect [PPT-slides as .pdf]

Prof. Dr. Martin Klepper (HU Berlin) - Vision and Cognition: A Scene from Henry James [handout as .pdf]

Prof. Dr. Manfred Malzahn (UAE University, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates) - "How do I love thee?" Cognition and Metacognition in and through poetry [handout as .rared pdfs]

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang G. Müller (Universität Jena) - Verbal irony in Shakespeare's dramatic works: Production and comprehension of ironic utterances

Dr. Liane Ströbel (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) - Unsichtbar, Sichtbar, Grammatikalisierung

Gary Thoms (Strathclyde University, Glasgow) & Stefano Versace (Università degli Studi di Milano) - How does the mind do literary work? [handout as .pdf]

Prof. Dr. Dirk Vanderbeke (Universität Jena) - The Same Anew, or: Telling and showing in the literary presentation of cognitive processes

Dr. Chih-chiao Joseph Yang (National Dong Hwa University, Hualien) - "One day I wrote her name upon the strand": Cognitive poetics and literary communication [PPT-slides as .pdf]

Vincent Tao-Hsun Zhang (National Chengchi University, Taipei) - Textualizing emotions and cultural consumption in advertising language

Yehong Zhang (Universität Göttingen) - Global understanding: prototype for cross-cultural narrative patterns